Introducing Bedspace Management from MTM

Bedspace Management is ensuring that patients and those treating and caring for them have the right beds mattresses and medical equipment for them at the right time in the right place in the right condition. This is delivered on a 24/7 basis and can be simply and quickly accessed by the staff.

This improves patient admission and discharge times, and provides a better experience to them, whilst saving valuable nursing time as well using equipment more efficiently and meeting important hygiene and safety requirements.

A recent pilot carried out in East Kent showed over £1m savings in nursing time and equipment rental cost.

Before this is launched we need to ensure best practice around the storage maintenance cleaning and supply of beds mattresses and equipment by creating a unified service provided by one well trained and coordinated team. This will provide time and cost savings by ensuring all equipment is used most effectively and efficiently.

Bedspace Management

Bedspace Management is a strategic, integrated service focused on the needs of the patient and the care team.

Best Practice Better Outcomes

Best Practice

MTM helps you develop best practice to achieve better outcomes for patients and the wider organisation.

0333 772 1181


Bedspcae Management ICU Bed

Bedspace Management

Bedspace Management is a strategic, integrated service focused on the needs of the patient and the care team.

Best Practice Better Outcomes

Best Practice

MTM helps you develop best practice to achieve better outcomes.



Speak to an MTM representative today

Best Practice. Better Outcomes

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